Empowering Women Economists: A Reflection on the Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya Meeting

Fue un honor participar en el encuentro de Mujeres Economistas organizado por el Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya ; Comisión de Economía de la Igualdad y la Diversidad. Tuve la oportunidad de hablar y transmitir la importancia del papel de la mujer en la economía y de la capacidad de crear y cambiar el futuro para mejor. Con nuestro conocimiento, desde nuestras posiciones, día a día utilizando estrategias y herramientas que nos ayuden a prosperar.

It was a honor to participate in the meeting of Women Economists organized by Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya ; Commission of the Economics of Equality and Diversity. Thanks to all the Women members of CEC, who signed up to give more visibility to this event and its purpose. I had the opportunity to speak and convey that the role of women in economy is fundamental and that we are able to create and change the future for the better. With our knowledge, from our positions, day by day using strategies and tools which will help us to thrive..

Our participation in this event was not just a moment to exchange ideas; it was an affirmation of the fundamental role women play in shaping economies and societies. We firmly believe in our ability to create positive change and drive progress, armed with knowledge, strategies, and tools that empower us to thrive in our respective roles.

Together, we are not just participants; we are agents of change, determined to make a meaningful impact in our field and beyond.

Let us continue to champion the cause of women in business, making strides towards a more equitable and inclusive future for all.

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